Fragments in-actuals (documentar el que és contemporari a l’art) [Non-current fragments (documenting what is contemporary in art)]

Intensive workshop with Alejandra Riera
24.04 — 25.04 / 2015 / 10h 00
Experimentem amb l'Art
Sala d'Art Jove_in-actual_2015

La Gran Il·lusió (The Great Illusion) 
Fragments in-actuals (documentar el que és contemporari a l’art) [Non-current fragments (documenting what is contemporary in art)]
Intensive workshop with Alejandra Riera
What does it mean to be contemporary? According to Giorgio Agamben, we can say that anything that does not allow itself to be blinded by the lights of its time and instead whose shadowy part, most intimate obscurity, can be glimpsed is contemporary. Alejandra Riera is a visual artist; she bases her reflection on photography and cinema in relation to writing and history. She defines her work as a multiplicity of strata of cross-disciplinary cooperation. How to read what is mute, what initially speaks beyond words? In this workshop, we will focus on the current juncture of art, on what is contemporary to art, without being art, but that art crosses.

La Gran Il·lusió is a proposal from the mediation team of the Sala d'Art Jove 2015 made up of Caterina AlmirallChristian Alonso and María García.


Sala d'Art Jove_in-actual_2015