Segueixi els rastres com si fos miop (Follow the trail as if you were nearsighted)

Art Jove 2006 - 2016
19.07 — 02.10 / 2016 / 19h 00
Arts Santa Mònica / Sala d'Art Jove
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Segueixi els rastres com si fos miop (Follow the trail as if you were nearsighted) Art Jove 2006-2016

Aggtelek, Verónica Aguilera, Caterina Almirall, Efrén Álvarez, Isabel Barios Ibars, Joan Bennassar, Estel Boada, Llure Brucke, Míriam C. Cabeza, Laura Cardona, Emma Casadevall, Abel del Castillo, Petia Cervera Kuprova, Paco Chanivet, Amanda Cuesta, Mery Cuesta, Annegien van Doorn, Laia Estruch, Enric Farrés Duran, Gloria Fernández, Daniel García, Miquel García, Rubén Grilo, Núria Güell, Ariadna Guiteras, Antoni Hervàs, Ciprian Homorodean, Álvaro Icaza, Daniel Jacoby, Fran Meana, Clara Miralles, Mariona Moncunill, David Mutiloa, Marc Navarro, Daniela Ortiz, Quim Packard, Sira Piza, Ignasi Prat, Joaquín Reyes, Esther Ribot, Antònia del Río, Ryan Rivadeneyra, Luca Rullo, Saladestar, Mireia c. Saladrigues, Joan Saló, Ariadna Serrahima.

Mentoring process: Martí Anson, Cristian Añó / Sinapsis, Ingrid Blanco, Alex Brahim, Pilar Cruz, José Antonio Delgado / Col·lectivaccions and Antonio Gagliano.

Segueixi els rastres com si fos miop (Follow the trail as if you were nearsighted) presents a series of itineraries on some of the key factors that have characterised contemporary art in Catalonia in the past 10 years. The artistic projects which are shown with the exhibition were produced and disseminated just as one of the benchmark spaces for emerging art, the Sala d’Art Jove, was gaining ground over the same period.
Through a choral work, Segueixi els rastres com si fos miop is arranged around five processes of inquiry which follow the trail of different factors that have characterised art in recent years, such as the issue of production and the economy, discourses on art and the conceptual inheritance, collaborative practice and what is called the educational shift, artistic research and transmediality.


Organized by Generalitat de Catalunya, Arts Santa Mònica and Sala d'Art Jove
In conjunction with Hangar

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