Fer temps i arribar tard.
Producing, producing, producing. We are an assembly line. We go all-out, we are overwhelmed by work, we don’t have time… let’s make TIME! We are tired of being late, of living at the border of exhaustion, of requiring ourselves, of growing, of emerging… let’s make TIME! We will create so you will be able to consume our art and then we will make TIME! But still, we will be late and maybe we will do nothing. Is it possible to do nothing? Run away? Escape? Doing nothing while we do as we are not doing anything? Doing nothing. DOING NOTHING that is doing: MAKING TIME AND BEING LATE.
Art Jove Creació 2022’ artists participating in Art Nou are: Raquel Coll Juncosa; Isabel Domingo Martorell; Laia Gimeno; Natalia Lazaro Prevost; Victor Pérez-Pallarès Setó; Adriana Prexigueiro; Mònica Ruiz Revuelta; Anna Vilamú; Júlia Zapata Llarguési and Huaqian Zhang
Accompanied by Alba Rihe and Martí Anson.
05th JULY from 5pm to 7pm
Open organizational meeting.
Place: Sala d’Art Jove (C/ Calàbria, 147)
06th JULY from 8pm to 12am
Collective action. The action will consist of sleeping, looking for individual and collective strategies to induce sleep in the Barcelona subway.
Place: L1 (subway cars from Fondo to Hospital de Bellvitge)
06th / 07th JULY from 10am to 7pm
Traces of the organizational meeting.
Place: Sala d’Art Jove (C/ Calàbria, 147)
Fer temps i arribar tard
05.07 — 07.07 / 2022 / 17h 00
Sala d'Art Jove
Aquesta activitat s'emmarca dins del circuit ArtNou: