CONVOCATORIA Art Jove Curadoria 2023
The Catalan Youth Agency of the Government of Catalunya presents the call Art Jove Curadoria to develop 1 project within the framework of Sala d’Art Jove throughout the year 2023.
The Art Jove Curadoria grant aims to open up a space for curatorial experimentation by young people and groups, as well as to encourage their professionalization. The call invites the development of work dynamics that stimulate training and accompaniment processes for the 18 projects selected in the Art Jove Creació call in their different phases of research, production, dissemination and public presentation.
Sala d’Art Jove understands curatorship as a relational task that includes all those practices that consider processes of artistic creation, as well as their contextual and situated development. From this perspective, “taking care of a space” or “taking care of a project” implies a work of accompaniment and listening, an attempt to understand the needs of the creators and the public in question.
The grant has a financial endowment of €3,600.