Terms and conditions 2023


CONVOCATÒRIA Interna + Expos Subtrames 2023

Sala d’Art Jove opens the internal call Subtrames to develop 1 curatorial project within the framework of the Festival Artnou 2023. The proposal is part of the collaboration between Homesession, el Grupo de innovación Docente Consolidado Arte, Profesión y Docencia of the Department of Visual Arts and Design of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and Sala d’Art Jove (SAJ).

The call is aimed at artists who were or have been selected for the Sala d’Art Jove in the last three editions. It aims to promote work in curatorial practice, opening up a space where training accompaniment by representatives of the three collaborating institutions (SAJ, UB and Homesession) is combined with the implementation of training.

A person will be selected to be in charge of the conceptualisation and planning of a group exhibition in the framework of Artnou 2023 in the Homesession space at the beginning of July.

The selected person will be trained in curatorial tasks from the experience and the implementation of their own knowledge in dialogue with the representatives of the collaborating institutions. They will therefore come into contact with an academic space dedicated to artistic training (UB), a space for the creation and professionalisation of young artists (SAJ) and an exhibition space for the dissemination of contemporary art (Homesession).